How To Make a Statement With Your Suspenders

There's no denying that suspenders make a style statement. They're retro-cool, edgy, and still just unique enough in today's fashion landscape to make you stand out. But did you know that the way you wear your suspenders could determine the type of statement you make? To Belt … Or Not to Belt? This is one of the most controversial issues - OK, the only controversial issue - in the wonderful world of suspenders. Does wearing suspenders mean you should forgo your usual belt? Not necessarily. By combining the two, you'll show the world that you're not afraid to mix accessories for the sake of fashion (and function, too). However, the majority of stylists do recommend letting your suspenders stand on their own. Another daring move is to go to the other extreme - lose that belt and the belt loops that go with it! If you plan on wearing your suspenders religiously, simply remove the belt loops from your pants. You'll be amazed at how clean and stylish you look, and you'll be sure to receive compliments on your GQ-esque fashion choice. To Clip … Or Not to Clip? Ah, another age-old question. Do you wear clip-on or button-on suspenders? Well, the answer depends on the outfit and the occasion. Clip-on suspenders are great for casual wear. They're easy to put on and take off, and they work with nearly every type of pant. When you wear clip suspenders, you give off an easygoing, cool vibe. However, for any formal event requiring a suit, clip suspenders may make the wrong style statement. You'll look clueless about style, and the fine teeth in the clips could very likely ruin your pants. In this situation, button-style suspenders are the only way to go. You'll look sophisticated, elegant, and very put together. To Suspender … Or Not to Suspender? This one's a trick question. Obviously, we at SuspenderStore think suspenders are the cat's pajamas. Customers wear our suspenders in boardrooms and restaurants, on stages, at weddings, at school, and in plain old everyday situations - and we think you should, too. No matter what style statement you want to make, SuspenderStore has just the right pair of suspenders for you.
3 replies
  1. Muriel Ludvigsen-purchased by Raymond Lehmann
    Muriel Ludvigsen-purchased by Raymond Lehmann says:

    my son purchased supenders for my husband’s birthday. They were supposed to say Ironworkers on onside and on the other We Build America. He was so happy until he opened the package and they were just with flames on either side.
    My husband was an Ironworker for many years. He is now 86 years old. and is so proud of having been an Ironworker. it was order number 16332. Please Please let me know how I might get the right ones

    • Administrator
      Administrator says:

      We don’t carry Ironworker suspenders, so you must have ordered them from a different website. That is also not one of our current order numbers. Please call customer service at 800-393-4588 if you need further assistance.


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