Be Prepared: Cyber Monday Suspender Steals
Cyber Monday deals and steals don’t just stop at the hottest toy or latest gaming console. Why not pick up some fashion staples while you’re surfing the web? We know you’re just sitting there in your pajama pants anyway. Time to update your look and pass on the gift of garments!
When you’re buying a pair of suspenders, always keep your recipient in mind. Suspenders come in several different widths, from thin ½ -inch to a wider 2 inches. The thinner straps are mainly there to be stylish, and are always made to be worn as an outer accessory. Anything 1-inch wide or less would be perfect for the fashion-conscious on your gift list; throw in a bow tie for and extra bold statement.
Suspenders that hit the mid-range, 1 ¼ -inch to 1 ½ -inch are still trendy, but a little more functional. Go wild in everything from casual to dressy occasions — the billiard room, the boardroom, and the ballroom all welcome suspenders. The thinner end of the spectrum, could be considered slightly more dressy, while the wider, 1 ½ -inch straps make for a perfect “all purpose” pair of suspenders.
The final, large size brings to mind firefighters and lumberjacks. At 2 inches wide, suspenders can be a critical part of any heavy-duty uniform, or perfect for anyone with mobility issues. Utility workers, for example, need the wide, sturdy straps to withstand hard labor and heavy tool belts. Grandpa, on the other hand, may appreciate the gripping ease and function of a wider-constructed pair of suspenders.
The whole purpose of Cyber Monday is to find the best prices around for some of the best people in your life. Be sure you don’t sacrifice quality! A $5 pair suspenders made in China is going to feel just as cheap and last as long as its sticker price. Unless your gift is for the coworker you really don’t like, why cut corners this holiday season? Take advantage of sales for high quality but budget friendly suspender deals!

Copyright: volkovslava / 123RF Stock Photo

Copyright: anetlanda / 123RF Stock Photo

Copyright: fotoluminate / 123RF Stock Photo

Copyright: auremar / 123RF Stock Photo
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